Event – Organic Beer and Cheese tasting – February 27th 2024


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Hey there beer and food lovers! 🍻

We’re hosting an organic beer and cheese tasting event on Tuesday the 27th this month, and you won’t want to miss out!!

This includes 5 ace cheeses, 5 incredible organic beers from Stroud Brewery, and Izaak, Charlie and the Stroud Brewery gang to talk to you on all things beer and cheese. This could be the night to discover on our your favourite cheeses EVER, or if you can eat a whole truckle of Brie De Meaux by yourself – spoilers – you probably can’t.

If you’re interested in food, drink, and a night of funnies, get a ticket and come on down – we’d love to see you 🧀🍻

Where – Bath Road Beers 🍻

When – February 27th 2024 (it’s a Tuesday) 📅

Parking – Bath Terrace Car Park (just behind the shop)🅿️

Dress Code – please be dressed 👗

Allergens – Dairy, Wheat, Gluten, Bad Vibes 🌾 🧀